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We met Korri about 3 yrs. ago at the Mystic Seminar in Mystic, CT. Since then, the conference moved to the west coast, and we’ve stayed in touch with Korri via social media but now that we’re in Portland for a little while she was able to come up from Boston and meet us for one of our mini family sessions. It was as always so good to see Korri, but this time we got to meet her son Teddy, and watching them love was hands down the best part of seeing Korri again.

We’re in Portland, ME for one more week and we have one mini session available this upcoming weekend. You can e-mail us directly at for more details or read about our mini sessions here. Portland, ME is one of our favorite places to visit, so we’ll sure be back again soon and we also travel for weddings so if you’re getting married in the area and you want to learn more about our collections, feel free to reach out to us and say hello 🙂

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