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Travels & Adventures

Film Friday | Adventuring Always | Lancaster, PA

By November 4th, 2018No Comments

We vowed back in February that we were going to be sharing some more personal adventures on the blog & since then we have failed at doing so. We’re on the downswing of wedding season, (and the upswing of getting our lives back), so we’re going to pick up on some personal blogging. (THE CROWD CHEERS!) We’ll start with a series called Film Friday. Well,  it’s not really a series because for now, it’s just one post.  Perhaps one day, with enough time (and money for weekly processing of film), it will be more than that.  Hope that excites you!

We headed out to Lancaster, PA to photograph Jessie & Justin’s wedding (photos coming soon), and we decided to make a personal challenge to only shoot film while we were there. (we failed at that too, because we used our iphones a bunch of times).  Our biggest challenge in shooting film has been the act of being more thoughtful before snapping the shutter. Coming home from a 2 day trip with less than 20 photos (including iphone photos) was more than strange for us.  Here are the results! Happy Friday 🙂
